Take me with you for Wonderland
You know everything like superman
Let's go
Just like Disney ice cream castle
Take me with you for Wonderland
You know everything like superman
Let's go
Just like Disney ice cream castle
Everybody say you're too old for me
But, sweetest, charming, perfect for me
Let's go
Without walkman I'm so fed up
Let's go
Everybody say you're too old for me
But, sweetest, charming, perfect for me
Let's go
Without walkman I'm so fed up
Let's go
Watching rainbow play on sunlight
The stranger come to me "hello"
And threw away that my old Mickey Mouse
The morning bell will chime
I love you my sweet Candyman
The stranger come to me "hello"
And threw away that my old Mickey Mouse
The morning bell will chime
I love you my sweet Candyman
Take me with you for Wonderland
I know everything of your secrets
Let's go
Without thick book it makes you tired
Let's go
Will you marry me? In ice cream castle
Take me with you for Wonderland
I know everything of your secrets
Let's go
Without thick book it makes you tired
Let's go
Will you marry me? In ice cream castle
They say you're too shy and boring
But, be careful for him, makes me crazy
Let's go
Without bubble gum it's too childish
Let's go
I will kiss you for your sad eyes
They say you're too shy and boring
But, be careful for him, makes me crazy
Let's go
Without bubble gum it's too childish
Let's go
I will kiss you for your sad eyes
Sun went down always without me
Any day for everyday
But, I don't care that, anymore
'Cos you spotted me
I love you my sweet Candyman
Any day for everyday
But, I don't care that, anymore
'Cos you spotted me
I love you my sweet Candyman
Oke guys that the end of my post. I hope you like this song and happy Agust!!!(Lagu ini emang udah lama tapi aku baru tau dan nemunya pas usia aku 20 th haha utk mencari lagu ini butuh 14 tahun ya hehe..Selamat mendengarkan lagu unyu ini)
jadi inget pilem horor candyman itu..hiiii...
BalasHapusha???ada ya mba film horor candyman? waduh serem juga -___-"
BalasHapussalam ramadhan....14 tahun waktu yang cukup lama untuk mencari sebuah lagu...nice share song and video clip :)
BalasHapussalam ramadhan mas!!makasih mas aku emang ngidam lagi ini udah lama..baru ketemunya n jodohnya sekarang :D mas blognya aku ikutin ya nice blog btw :D
BalasHapusWahh Laguu ini kan sering di putar emang seuatu Laguu ii Theme song di OTS T7, WAh lagunya dari luar pas nih buat theme song! Trims buat sharenya
BalasHapushahahaa trims udh komen n dengerin ya kak feri :D
BalasHapusrenyah juga lagunya
BalasHapustapi ga ngerti apa artinya
hehe piss
ahahaha cari dikamus :D btw makasih udh mampir di blog saya nti saya pasti berkunjung balik :D