I think all pepople like this activity..yupss listen music. Maybe listen songs or instrument. And you know we have a view gendre of music like jazz,pop,hip-hop,classcic,rock,punk,dangdut*ehmm..i'm not really like this gendre.Sometimes music can make up your mood or remind you about somethings which happen to you.About your past. Happy things,or sad things,when you fall in love or maybe when you broken heart. What about me?? i love listen music too..every day is boring if i don't listen music. Music just like my spirit to make my life so colorfull and of course make everthings gone be okay..!! it's night in my country now. I usually play bluess or jazz songs to make me relax and get beauty sleep :) THis is mocca!! band from Indonesia. I really adore with this band. So enjoy this song with this lyrics!! get beauty full dream all
Swing It Bob Feat Bob Tutupoly by Mocca Hello dear what can i do for you? will you go and swing along tonight? just take a step and they'll do the rest just let it flow..and you will glow just like a moonbeam up in the sky tonight
nver mind, troubles that may have come just go along with the tunes the bad are playing but let's go and dance do the tango or a mambo jumbo i don't care
do the cha cha cha do the tango do the samba or perhaps play something sweet slow and nice like a waltz? naa i prefer to go swinging
(Sorry if my english is not good i just know a little about this language ^___^ hope you can understand) Bagi yang orang Indonesia!!selamat ngedengerin ya!! Semoga suka lagu nya!! dan selamat tidur semoga mimpi indah...
met bubuuuu, neng...:) sweet dreams..
BalasHapusMba ay ay : iyaaaa mbaa :)semngat menyambut esok!!
BalasHapusahahahaha...ternyata tmen ku sudah dewasa :P
BalasHapusmaksudnya??eh nanti nongkrong lgi yuk di kfc seru2!!!
BalasHapusbisa tidur terus neh gak bangun2, hehehe. gak bisa nonton soalnya modem lola, mba
BalasHapusHahaha...jangan atuh pak!!gawat kalau nggak bangun beneran dari tidur. Ayo pak! sapa tau sekarang bisa diputar video clip nya :)