Mocca- I love you anyway
It’s 10 pm and you’re late again
And I can understand what kept you so long
Now look at you
Wearing that shirt again
Don’t you realize how ugly that thing is
But even so
I love you anyway
No matter how things have gone
You always have me
Now here it comes
You complain again
Complain about everything
It’s driving me mad
Now look at you
Wearing that shirt again
Dont you realize how ugly that thing is
But even so
I love you anyway
No matter how things have gone
You always have me
You always have me
Now look at you
Wearing that shirt again
Don’t you realize how ugly that thing is
But even so
I love you anyway
No matter how things have gone
You always have me
Now here it comes
You complain again
Complain about everything
It’s driving me mad
Now look at you
Wearing that shirt again
Dont you realize how ugly that thing is
But even so
I love you anyway
No matter how things have gone
You always have me
You always have me
Wow lagunya menyentuh banget Ada yang kenaan Langsung!!!!!!! >3<
BalasHapusiya terima kasih sudah sejauh ini....... selalu berpikir positif kedapan membaut kemungkinan semakin besar.... mantap deh! I love u anyway dont think love is anyway but love is true....... thanks for blog walking....!
hahaha....kamu kenapa???lagi kesambet??!!tapi asli lagunya enak loh!!! suka bnget sama mocca!!!lagunya bnyak menyentuh hati
BalasHapuswow!!!lagunya mengena di aku ti!!!hehe...cocoklah didenger malam2...liriknya pun bgus
BalasHapushahaha dengan sapa tuh ka???berharap kmu ktmu org yg tepat ya :D
BalasHapussiapa nih yang udah curi hati Tia?? #hehe
BalasHapusseseorg yg aneh hehe...hmm,,,T___T" klau diinget rasanya pngen ninju!!
BalasHapushaha.. sabar Tia-chan..
BalasHapuskalo ketemu TINJU aja XD <--sesat mode: on
ini sih lagu yg kamu puter terus pas diperpus :P
BalasHapusWaaa lirik lagunya keren! Keren keren! download ah.
BalasHapusmonggo pak :) lagu nya emang menyentuh dan ngejazz (hahaha...)
BalasHapustia kereeen..